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Are you utilizing every opportunity to engage with your customers? When your customers call, what are they hearing when placed on hold? Effective Messaging On Hold is a proven strategy for improving the customer experience. Every business has a story to tell and a message to be heard. Businesses spend lots of money and time to create a corporate brand and getting customers interested in calling, but they often fall short on the importance of the caller experience. The consequences of poor telephone customer experience is wasted money and lost customers.

Here are some of the statistics and benefits of an effective on hold strategy:

  • “On average, seven out of ten callers are placed on hold.” – Inbound/Outbound
  • “94% of all marketing budgets are spent on inducing a customer to call, while only 6% is spent on handling the call once it is received.” – Inbound Telephone 呼叫 Center
  • Jefferson Denneandrus, 一家研究公司, found when callers were presented with On Hold Messaging versus silence or a radio commercial they would stay on hold longer, they were more likely to exhibit interest in the product advertised, they were more likely to retain information, and they were less agitated.
  • Survey results found that 88% of callers preferred On Hold Messages to other hold options, and 16% made purchases based on an on hold offer. ——MaxiMarketing
  • 呼叫ers stay on the line up to 25% longer when provided with On Hold Messaging versus “dead air” or “background music,” and up to 17% longer than radio. ——Infomax公司.
  • “34% of callers who hang up will not call back.” – Voice Response, Inc.

Listen to this episode of the Hiscall Technology 播客 to get more details creating an effective message on hold program as we discuss HOLD PLUS Message on Hold production to turn your “Hold” button into a powerful marketing tool to increase customer engagement. Mark Bortz is President and Founder of Premier Companies, Inc., a leader in audio production, including podcasts, advertising jingles, customer character voices, and video production services. 自. 1984, Premier Companies has helped companies develop effective Message On Hold programs that keep callers on the line, increase customer engagement, and improve customer experience.

Listen to all Hiscall Technology 播客 Here:
